{ "currentVersion": 11.4, "cimVersion": "3.4.0", "id": 56, "name": "Major Roads", "type": "Feature Layer", "description": "This is the MASTER RECORD of roads and highways in St. Clair County AlabamaAttribute Descriptions:OBJECTID ; System assigned unique identifier for each record. Cannot be altered, edited or changed.FEATURE ; Available options are specific and spelled exactly as below, and should be in ALL CAPS. FEATURE & TYPECODE should always correlate with each other.AL HIGHWAY - 4COUNTY ROAD - 5DRIVEWAY / FIRE LANE -9EXPRESS WAY - 1EXPRESS WAY RAMP - 2PAVED ROAD - 0SECONDARY ROAD - 8TURN LANE - 6US HIGHWAY - 3TYPECODE ; Always ensure that the TYPECODE and FEATURE correlate with each other one is simply a number and the other is simply a description.0- PAVED ROAD1- EXPRESS WAY2- EXPRESS WAY RAMP3- US HIGHWAY4- AL HIGHWAY5- COUNTY ROAD6- TURN LANE8- SECONDARY ROAD9- DRIVEWAY / FIRE LANEROAD_NAME ; This id the full road name including PREFIX; NAME; TYPE & SUFFIXFNA ; From Number Address - this should be the lowest address number value assigned to this road segmentTNA ; To Number Address - this should be the highest address number value assigned to this road segmentSTREET ; Unknown at this time what if any difference exist between this field and ROAD_NAME, PREFIX ; any prefix to the NAME field ( example... S Champion Ave E, the first character S indicates the Prefix)NAME ; This is the base name of the road segment without PREFIX, TYPE or SUFFIXTYPE ; This field indicates the type of road segment (http://pe.usps.gov/cpim/ftp/pubs/Pub28/pub28.pdf) acceptable options are, but not limited to...ALY, AVEBENDBLVDBRKCIRCOVECRKCTCVCV DrDRESTHILLHLISISLELKLNLNDGLNDSLOOPPARKPATHPKPKWYPKYPLPTRDRDGROWRUNSMTSPURSTTERTRTRCTRLTRLSVLGWAYSUFFIX ; This field is for direction suffix (N,NW,NE,S,SW,SE,E,W)ODD ; This field indicates as to which side of the road (based on the direction of increasing addresses ) the odd addresses are to be placed on. only acceptable options are L or R. (furthermore, understanding the direction that the line was maped from beginning vertex to ending vertex will determine the direction of increasing or decreasing addresses)L_F_ADD ; Left From Address R_F_ADD ; Right From AddressL_T_ADD ; Left To AddressR_T_ADD ; Right To AddressESN_L ; Emergency Service Number area on Left side of lineESN_R ; Emergency Service Number area on Right side of lineCOMMUNIT_L ; Currently This Is Postal Community on Left side of lineCOMMUNIT_R ;Currently This Is Postal Community on Right side of lineZIPL ; Postal Zip Code on Left side of lineZIPR ; PostalZip Code on Right side of lineSTATUS ; Name of person (editor) that is making changes to this featureEFFECTIVE_ ; Effictive DateID ; this a road or route identification number used to group several or many line segments together. for example County Rd 33 may have many line segments and several different road names as it travels through the county, all of the line segments are given an ID field number of 674, this way you may query roads by ID Field and see the entire County Rd 33HwyNo ; This field should contain only the number of the Highway regardless if it is a US Hwy, County RD or AL Hwy this field works in conjunction with the PRE_TYPE field which indicates the Hwy typePRE_TYPE ; In this feature class this field is used to describe Hwy type CO RD - County RoadAL HWY - Alabama HighwayUS HWY - United States HighwayINT - InterstateNODE_A ; Not used will soon removeNODE_B ; Not used will soon removeLINK ;Not used will soon removeCNTY_MAINT ; Signified by Y or N, if this line segment is maintained by St. Clair County Dept of TransportationCreator ; Managed by ArcGIS software and assigns the Creator of this line segment, CreateDate ; Managed by ArcGIS software and assigns the Creation Date of this line segmentEditor ; Managed by ArcGIS software and assigns the last Editor of this line featureEditDate ; Managed by ArcGIS software and assigns the last Edit Date of this line segmentSHAPE.STLength() ; Managed by ArcGIS software and is calculated length in map units of this line feature - NON Editable", "geometryType": "esriGeometryPolyline", "sourceSpatialReference": { "wkid": 102100, "latestWkid": 3857, "xyTolerance": 0.001, "zTolerance": 2, "mTolerance": 2, "falseX": -20037700, "falseY": -30241100, "xyUnits": 10000, "falseZ": 0, "zUnits": 8192, "falseM": 0, "mUnits": 1 }, "copyrightText": "bryan@stclairgis.com\ngissupport@stclairco.com", "parentLayer": null, "subLayers": [], "minScale": 600000.0000000022, "maxScale": 0, "referenceScale": 0.0, "drawingInfo": { "renderer": { "type": "uniqueValue", "field1": "TYPECODE", "uniqueValueGroups": [ { "heading": "TYPECODE", "classes": [ { "label": "Interstate", "description": "Interstate", "symbol": { "type": "esriSLS", "style": "esriSLSSolid", "color": [ 0, 0, 0, 255 ], "width": 3 }, "values": [ [ "1" ] ] }, { "label": "US Highway", "description": "US Highway", "symbol": { "type": "esriSLS", "style": 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